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33 Days Consecration to St Joseph


Author / PresenterType of ResourcesDurationContact Person
Fr Donald Calloway
Self-Study through daily reading of Fr Donald Calloway’s book 
Supplement with daily notes, summary reflection and prayers posted (optional as posted by Leader)
33 days reading
Weekly meetups (6 weeks) with group discussion
About 1.5 hrs
Consecration to Saint Joseph on final day
David Fong

Brief Description

Why St. Joseph? Why Now? Let’s consider who St. Joseph is. A humble carpenter, a working man from Nazareth, St. Joseph became husband of the Mother of God, foster father of Jesus, provider for — and watchful defender of — the Holy Family. 

In doing so, he fulfilled an essential position in the plan of our salvation. This is why, after Jesus and Mary, St. Joseph, the Patron Saint of the universal Church, is the most highly honoured and influential member of the human race. 

“At a time when families are under attack, marriages are falling apart, when people have turned away from God, when there’s so much anxiety and fear, we really do need St. Joseph,” said Fr. Donald Calloway. “We need his protection. Now is the time of St. Joseph.”

We consecrate ourselves to St. Joseph because in him we learn to tap into our own capacity to do all things for the greater glory of God. Think about it: No matter what madness and gladness the world threw at Joseph, he remained a counterweight of composure. He accepted that God had a plan for him. 

When we consecrate ourselves to St. Joseph, we declare that we wish to become more like him: better citizens in the Kingdom of God, more prayerful throughout our day, more eager to do God’s will, more honest in our dealings with others, and more devoted to our family or loved ones. Nearly every vocation in life, nearly every job or task, provides opportunities for us to be more like St. Joseph. 

Let us consecrate ourselves to St. Joseph – and let us do so praying that the Guardian of the Holy Family walks with us on our journey of faith; that he gives us the wisdom to determine God’s call; that he gives us the strength to bear unexpected troubles; that we grow in holiness; that we deepen our awareness of our poverty and utter dependence on God; that we live our lives with the goal to bring ourselves and others to Heaven; and that we wholeheartedly commit ourselves to loving and serving God, our families, and our communities like the humble carpenter.

Structure of the Group Meetings

  1. Opening prayer followed by summary slide presentation of key concepts followed by Q&A to clarify anything we don’t understand from our readings. [8.30pm – 9pm]
  2. Then we break up into our respective discussion groups [9pm – 9.40pm] to buzz on a couple of reflection / discussion questions. 
  3. Then come back as a collective group [9.40pm – 10pm] to share group summary and end with prayer (Litany of St Joseph).

Our group meetings are as follows:

Intro: Covering readings for Days 1-8 (This first session will be virtual via Zoom as there will be Novena to Divine Mercy Masses each night across that week.)
Session 2: Days 9-15
Session 3: Days 16-22
Session 4: Days 23-29
Session 5: Days 30-33
Consecration Day on final day with Mass


1. Slides

2. Daily Videos List

3. Further optional resources – please contact David Fong for more resources for the sessions
– Daily Posts
– Rosary of St Joseph
– Articles and Church Documents