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Family of Origin

Author / PresenterType of ResourcesDurationContact Person
Family of Origin
– Jason and Andrea
1 Video
+ Powerpoint slides
1 Session
– video (17mins)
Jason and Andrea

Brief Description

Family of Origin  – “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” “He’s a chip off the old block.” “Like mother, like daughter.” “Like father, like son.” These may be clichés, but sayings become clichés for a reason. There’s a measure of truth behind them. We inherit much from our parents and the environments in which we were raised. In thriving marriages, spouses are willing to look at their past, in order to make better sense of their present.

This session is extracted from Thrive Online – which has a total of 6 sessions and a bonus session. The videos are about 17mins to 20mins long. 

7 Videos
Session 1: Work on You first
Session 2: A Safe Place
Session 3: Desires or Demands?
Session 4: Family of Origin
Session 5: Communication and Conflict
Session 6: The Gift of Forgiveness
Bonus Session One: Intimacy

To find out more, click here.


Resources available:
1. Session 4 Video – Family of Origin (Here)

2. Download Powerpoint slide below