Date(s) - 22 May 2020
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
When husband and wife come together in the marital embrace with a love that is free, faithful, total and fruitful, “human love is caught up in the divine”, God enters that sacred space and we get a taste of what it is like to be part of the eternal exchange of love within the Trinity. Which is why our marital bed is an altar and our sexual union a sacrament. It makes visible what is invisible and is a foreshadowing of what is to come when we finally meet with our Maker. As married couples, we are privileged to experience this time and time again in the marital act. A sweet sweet song of praise that is bound to bring about great rejoicing in heaven. We live the Theology of the Body in and through our marriages. Come and learn more in our series of Webinars presented by Dr Bernard Thio who will introduce the teachings of Pope St John Paul II on the Mystery of God’s love for all of humankind; tracing Creation to the Fall of Man and ending with our Redemption in Christ Jesus.
Dr Bernard Thio will be presenting this in 4 parts :
22 May – Describing and Defining Human Love in the Divine Plan
19 June – An Adequate Anthropology – Original Man, Historical Man and Eschatological Man
17 July – The Christian Vocations – Marriage and Celibacy for the Kingdom
21 Aug – New Context for Sexual Morality and the Battle for the Meaning of Life
If you have any queries, you can message Andrea Toh via My Profile and “Message” her by entering her name in “@username” or send us a message via FB Messenger at
Bookings are closed for this event.