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Who Am I to Judge?

Author / PresenterType of ResourcesDurationContact Person
Who I am to Judge? Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love
– Dr Edward Sri
8 Videos
+ Video Guide
+ Study Guide
8 Sessions
– videos
about 25 to 30 mins each

Brief Description

In this small group study program featuring Edward Sri, we’ll explore the classical view of morality and find that it’s not merely a set of guiding principles for theoretical situations—it is an entire way of life. What is “right” and “wrong”? Is what’s right for you right for me? Is there a right and wrong for everyone, all the time?

These are difficult questions to discuss in our culture. We live in a society that supports the opinion that each person should make up his or her own morality—that there is no moral truth that applies to everyone. Many of us have been affected by the relativistic outlook that pervades the modern world. Maybe some of us wonder whether there really is an absolute right and wrong for everyone. Or maybe we accept that there is a moral standard for all, but we don’t know how to explain our moral convictions in a convincing way. Maybe some of us are afraid of saying something is immoral because we’re afraid of offending others or of being labeled intolerant. How do we talk about morality in a relativistic world?

8 Videos
Session 1: Don’t impose your morality on me
Session 2: Recovering the Basics: Virtue and Friendship
Session 3: Real Freedom, Real Love
Session 4: The Lost “Art of Living”
Session 5: Engaging Moral Relativism
Session 6: I Disagree doesn’t mean I hate you
Session 7: Exposing the Mask: What Relativism is Covering Up
Session 8: What is Truth? Answering Common Questions

To find out more, click here.


Who Am I to Judge? Resources available:
1. Videos – viewed with a Formed account (Here)