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Anchoring you in the Faith


Author / PresenterType of ResourcesDurationContact Person
Bernard Thio
Weekly Handouts for participants
Leaders guide
6 sessions
– meet every week or 2 weeks
Bernard Thio or

Brief Description

Anchor you in Faith

Foundational Catechesis

The Anchor resource, designed for adults, young people and specifically for parents, is at the junction between first proclamation and catechesis[1]. Its language is clear, simple, graceful and exact, presenting the truths of the Faith in a way which does not assume any previous knowledge or even a Christian culture. It has been successfully used with non-Catholics, some in RCIA and some who simply wished to gain a first understanding of the Catholic Faith and of the Sacraments without any explicit intention of becoming Catholics: “Anchor brings us insights into the Truth and fundamental meaning that Christ has for us all, and the importance of prayer.” 

The first Anchor volume, ‘Anchoring you in the Faith’, matches the foundational, Kerygmatic truths of the Faith with a step by step explanation of the Mass. This fosters a truly liturgical Catechesis, which indispensably places the Sacraments and particularly the Eucharist at the heart of the Catholic Faith and Life, thus avoiding a purely kerygmatic catechesis which risks presenting the Sacraments and so the Church as mere appendices to the content of the Faith. “The Eucharist must be the source and summit of the New Evangelisation.”

For preview of the weekly handout: http://online.fliphtml5.com/bseb/ykmx/#p=1

There are 6 sessions and the topic for each session:

Session 1:
Professing the faith: God, The Holy Trinity
Celebrating the mass: The Sign of the Cross
Living the faith: The Vocation to Love
Prayer: The Our Father

Session 2:
Professing the faith: Sin and Forgiveness
Celebrating the mass: The Penitential Rite
Living the faith: Confession
Prayer: Guardian Angel Prayer

Session 3:
Professing the faith: History of Salvation
Celebrating the mass: The liturgy of the Word
Living the faith: The Ten Commandments
Prayer: Psalm 23

Session 4:
Professing the faith: The Incarnation  
Celebrating the mass: The Gospel and The Creed
Living the faith: Grace
Prayer: The Apostles Creed

Session 5:
Professing the faith: The Cross and Resurrection
Celebrating the mass: The Eucharistic Prayer
Living the faith: Faith, Hope and Love
Prayer: Anima Christi

Session 6:
Professing the faith: The Communion of the Church
Celebrating the mass: The Communion Rite
Living the faith: The Beatitudes
Prayer: The Hail Mary


  1. Participant’s weekly materials – to be distributed during the session

2. Leader’s Guide for all sessions :