CEP Community
In 2003, the Archdiocesan Senate of Priests had directed that the Couple Empowerment Programme (CEP) be developed under the auspices of the Family Life Society. CEP seeks to establish a post marriage catechesis for young married couples on the Catholic Church's teaching on marriage and family, developing life skills, effective parenting and faith formation. These are conducted and directed at Parish communities to establish a parish formation and supportive infrastructure for all couples serious about enhancing marriage and family life.
CEP is indeed the fruit of the Spirit and dedicated to the Queen of Apostles.
With our army of lovers, CEP has begun a revolution of tenderness and we hope to bring the beautiful teachings of the Catholic Church on Marriage and Family to every married couple so that they can truly experience the joy of living the one flesh union in their marriage.
CEP Community consists of couples who have completed our 10 week empowerment programme and who wish to journey together with like-minded couples.
Our Couple Community Circles continue to grow and provide support and fellowship to many marriages and families.
CEP Couple Community Circles
CCC Leaders - please click here to access resources
Drop us an email if you have any queries, or you can connect with us via Facebook messenger too
You can also find out more information about our programme at http://www.cep-sg.org.